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Energy bills have risen sharply and the energy price cap is set to rise again this year. Using energy efficiently is more important than ever to keep bills down. See our tips on how you could save energy, where to get energy saving advice and grant funding.

Energy Saving Tips

Start saving energy today by:
  • Bleed your radiators -  this takes air out and allows them to heat up quickly and more efficiently
  • Set the timer on your central heating so that it is only on when you need it
  • Switch your appliances off when not in use, rather than leaving them on standby
  • Only boil the amount of hot water that you need for your cup of tea
  • Use a lid to cover pots and pans while cooking so that they boil more quickly
  • Fill the dishwasher completely before putting it on or use a washing up bowl for smaller loads
  • Reduce the number of clothes washes each week and wash your clothes on a cooler setting
  • Avoid using the tumble dryer and hang clothes up to dry in a ventilated room
  • Use the “eco” setting on your appliances
  • Have a shower instead of a bath
  • Contact your energy supplier about installing a smart meter to track your energy usage

For further tips go to the Energy Saving Trustwebsite where you can download their ‘Warm Home Hacks’ guide and lots of other useful information.  

Accessing Free Energy Advice

Depending on where you live, you may also be able to access tailored advice on how to save energy and reduce your bills.  Through Green Doctors, delivered by Groundwork, you could receive a free energy consultation.  They give impartial energy saving advice and support to help you reduce your energy usage and bills. You can check whether there is a Green Doctors programme offered in your area and find more information at

If you have a household income of less than £31,000 or receive Universal Credit or another form benefit, you could be eligible to receive tailored energy advice and support from LEAP. Find out more information at  

Grant Funding to Improve Energy Efficiency

If you receive income related benefits, you could be eligible to access grant funding to help improve energy efficiency of your home. The government’s ECO4 scheme has been established to improve the energy efficiency of homes and reduce emissions. You can apply to check your eligibility for funding here.