Adapting Your Home

Aids and Adaptations Information
It’s really important that our homes are safe and work for us throughout our lives. As we grow older, or find ourselves experiencing short-term or long-term disability, we may well find that it’s hard getting around our home, or that areas of it just become inaccessible. When this happens we may need to adapt our home. Whether it’s small adaptions like adding grab rails in bathrooms, or much bigger changes like levelling floors, or installing a stairlift, these adaptations can make a massive improvement to our overall wellbeing and mean we’re able to continue living safely and independently.
Aids and Adaptations – Your Responsibilities
As a provider of Shared Ownership it’s important to stress that it is the customer’s responsibility to carry out all repairs, maintenance and updates that may be needed to their home. This includes aids and adaptations that maybe required due to aging, ailing health and/or disability.
Under our Aids and Adaptations Policy, we make clear that customers are required to obtain permission for any aids and adaptations they may need to make to their home and that we, Heylo will assess these requests on a case-by-case basis. However, it may be that other parties in the ownership of the property need to be consulted and provide approval, and so please understand that the decision may not be Heylo’s to take.
With this in mind, if you are thinking about adapting your home then you should contact our Property Management team to request the necessary permission before starting any work. It’s important to stress that we will not withhold consent unreasonably if we are the legal party that has the authority to give the necessary consents.
Read more about our Aids and Adaptations Policy
To read the Aids and Adaptations policy, please click the link below. This will direct you to our Policies and Procedures web page where you’ll find the Aids and Adaptations policy and be able to download a copy.
Requesting consent for aids and adaptations to your home
To contact us about an adaptation you are thinking of making to your home, please use the contact details below.
Telephone: 0203 744 0415
Email: [email protected]
What other help is available?
If you are finding your home, or parts of your home inaccessible due to disability, then you can ask social services to carry out a home assessment. This assessment will enable social services to understand your needs and provide you with further advice.
They may even be able to provide practical support, such as paying for aids and adaptations, or signpost you to organisations that may provide similar assistance.
If you wanting to make adaptations to your home and aren’t sure if you qualify for government support, then head to the NHS website where there is information on how to apply to your local council for a home assessment.
Other organisations that charities that offer help and support to those looking to adapt their home are listed below and we would recommend reading the information they make available on their website and contacting them should you wish to find out more.