Customer Complaints
We always try to do our best for our customers but realise that we don’t always get things right.
If you are unhappy with something we, or someone acting on our behalf has done, or the service you have received and would like to make a complaint, our team is here to help. Below we have set out how we manage customer complaints in a timely and fair manner.
In line with the Housing Ombudsman Code, we define a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard of service, actions or lack of action by the organisation, its own staff, or those acting on its behalf, affecting an individual housing applicant, home buying customer, or a resident or group of residents.
Our Complaints Policy
Our Complaints Policy is available to read, just download it using the button below.
How to make a complaint
If you have a problem with your home or any of our services, then in the first instance you should raise this with your usual point of contact within the Heylo team. We will make every endeavour to put the problem right for you.
If you do not know who to speak to then you can contact our support team via one of the following methods:
Complete the form:
Call us on:
Send written correspondence to:
Level 2
55 St Paul's Street
Further Action
If you are not satisfied with our Stage 2 response you can refer your complaint to The Housing Ombudsman Scheme.
The Housing Ombudsman will usually accept complaints after you have completed the final stage of Heylo’s internal Complaints Procedure (Stage 2). After completion of Stage 2 you can refer the complaint to The Housing Ombudsman
The Housing Ombudsman will deal with each complaint to find the best outcome for your individual circumstances. Once they receive your complaint they may:
- Refer the case to a different organisation if it is an issue they cannot make a decision about because it is not in their jurisdiction.
- Work with you and your landlord to resolve the dispute under their early resolution procedure. For example, they can use their experience of resolving complaints to make suggestions to the landlord and/or the resident if they believe there is a way to resolve the complaint.
- Carry out an investigation; they only do this for those complaints where they decide an investigation is proportionate to the circumstances and evidence before them, for example complex complaints involving many issues.
The Housing Ombudsman can be contacted by:
Housing Ombudsman Service
PO Box 152
Liverpool, L33 7WQ
Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code
The Housing Ombudsman has published a Complaint Handling Code that sets out how landlords should respond effectively and fairly to complaints.
We have aligned our policy and procedure in line with the code. Click the link to read the results of our self assessment:
Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report
Read our Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report and Board response for 2023/24