HHRP Chair & HHGL Board Member

David Montague
David sits on the HHGL Board and Chairs the HHRP Board. David spent 33 years at leading housing association L&Q rising through the ranks to CFO and then CEO for 13 years. During his time L&Q grew to over 100,000 homes across all tenures with another 100,000 homes in the development pipeline. David chaired G15 (the group of largest 15 housing associations in London), sat on the Board of the National Housing Federation and in 2013 was awarded a CBE for services to housing.
David now acts in an advisory and Non Executive capacity for a number of residential developers and sits on the Board of The Housing Finance Corporation.
Why Heylo?
“Affordable housing is in my blood. I have dedicated my career to helping people from all walks of life to find a home they can afford. Shared ownership is a great product and has so much potential. Heylo has matured as a trusted, well governed partner and has the vision, values and firepower to deliver.”