Heylo Connect Live Events
We are committed to regular engagement with our customers so they are well informed and kept up to date on all matters relating to their home and lease. These conversations and engagement activities will also serve to allow customers to provide feedback on Heylo's performance as the landlord.
Central to these engagement activities are the Heylo Connect live events. These regular webinars allow us to discuss topics that matter to our customers. From staircasing to lease myth busting, these events will help our customers to gain a better understanding of their rights and responsibilities as a Shared Owner.
The topics discussed will be determined by the customer feedback received, and delivered in consultation with the Heylo Housing RP Customer Committee.
We want Heylo Connect live events to be as interactive as possible and we encourage customers to ask questions, either at the time of the event itself via the 'ask a question' chat function, or alternatively, by asking a question ahead of the event by emailing us at: [email protected]
Code of conduct
To ensure Heylo Connect live events are a safe and pleasant experience for all, we have created a Code of Conduct that we recommend all customers read before participating in the events. You can read the Code of Conduct by clicking the link below
Heylo Connect live
Future Heylo Connect live events will take place on:
Wednesday 24th July 2024
Thursday 10th October 2024
Thursday 21st November 2024
Customers will be invited to register for Heylo Connect events via email well ahead of the events taking place.
Previous Heylo Connect Live Event Information Packs
If you want to catch up on the topics we've discussed in recent Heylo Connect Live Events then check out the information packs and question and answer sheets from previous sessions.