Heylo Together

19.12.24 03:54 PM

We are thrilled to announce the launch of Heylo Together

This Christmas, we are thrilled to announce the launch of Heylo Together, our community fund initiative giving you the opportunity to apply for funding for projects and activities that you want us to support and that will have a positive impact on your local community.

Do you have an idea that will help build a thriving local community, bring people together and/or promote community cohesion? Maybe you have always wanted to start a coffee morning, run an event in the local community or start a food garden on your development but need some funding to get the initiative off the ground. If you have a project or initiative in mind that you think would help your community thrive, we would love to hear from you!

All applications are welcome and we would particularly love to receive applications that are aligned with one of the following aims of the fund:
Community wellbeing and engagement

Projects that are designed to support the health and wellbeing of the local community, be that through specialised support, initiatives to encourage exercise and participation in sport or delivering community events to engage and bring together local people and reduce isolation and loneliness.

Diversity, inclusion and community cohesion

Initiatives and events that celebrate diversity in our communities, promote inclusion and equal opportunities and support community cohesion.

Sustainability, nature and place

Projects that aim to support nature and biodiversity, reduce emissions, enhance local green spaces or encourage community members to make the most of outside spaces. For example, community gardening or tree planting initiatives.

Food access and security

Projects that provide access to food for those in financial hardship or support the work of food initiatives

Opportunity, skills and support

Initiatives that support access to education, training or work experience to build skills and increase opportunity in the community.

Have an idea but feeling unsure of whether it would be eligible for funding? Feel free to drop us an email or give us a ring to discuss the idea further before submitting your application.

To find out more and submit your application, click the button below-