Save money this winter with our energy saving top tips

29.11.23 02:44 PM

As we go into the colder months of the year, many households start feeling the pinch of using extra heating and hot water. According to the Energy Saving Trust, a typical household could save up over £500 per year by being more savvy about energy consumption, so we’ve compiled a few  top tips on how to save money on your energy bills.

  • Bleed your radiators – this takes air out and allows them to heat up quickly and more efficiently
  • Set the timer on your central heating so that it is only on when you need it
  • Switch your appliances off when not in use, rather than leaving them on standby
  • Only boil the amount of hot water that you need for your cup of tea
  • Use a lid to cover pots and pans while cooking so they boil quicker
  • Fill the dishwasher completely before putting it on, or use a washing up bowl for smaller loads
  • Reduce the number of clothes washes each week and wash your clothes on a cooler setting
  • Use the “eco” setting on your appliances
  • Have a shower instead of a bath

You can find further tips on the Energy Saving Trust website, where you can download their Warm Home Hacks guide and access lots of other useful information.