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Our Committees

Our boards delegates a number of items to four specialist committees:

HHGL Board Committees:
  • Audit and Risk
  • Remuneration, Nominations and Culture
  • Investment

HHRP Board Committee:
  • Customer

Audit and Risk Committee

The purpose of this to:

  • Assist the Board in its oversight of the integrity of Heylo Housing Group Ltd and its subsidiaries’ financial reporting, including supporting the Board in meeting its responsibilities regarding financial statements and the financial reporting systems and internal controls and providing assurance as to Group’s compliance with the risk and internal control requirements of Group’s chosen Code of Governance
  • Assist the Board of Heylo Housing RP to ensure effective governance oversight of the delivery of the RP’s responsibilities under the RSH Regulatory Standards and its adopted Governance Code
  • Monitor, on behalf of the Board, the effectiveness and objectivity of internal and external auditors
  • Provide input to the Board in its assessment of enterprise risks and determination of risk appetite as part of the overall setting of strategy for the Company
  • Assist the Board in its oversight of the Company’s risk management framework, monitoring its effectiveness through functional implementation in the ‘second line of defence’ and its performance to protect against and mitigate risks in the ‘first line of defence’

Members of the Audit and Risk Committee: 

Jo Makinson

Chair of Audit and Risk Committee

Salma Shah

Nick Jopling

Remuneration, Nominations and Culture Committee 

The purpose of the Remuneration, Nominations and Culture Committee is to:

  • Determining and approving (within any limits and budgets set by the Board from time to time) the salary and other terms and conditions of employment of all members of the Board and of the Corporate Management Team to enable the recruitment, motivation and retention of Board members, the Chief Executive and Directors
  • Assisting the Board by reviewing and making recommendations in respect of the remuneration policies and framework for all employees of Heylo Group and its sister company, Resi Management
  • Carrying out recruitment activity for new Board Members of any Group member (which for the avoidance of doubt does not include Resi Management), acting under the direction of the relevant Board
  • Ensuring that any decisions made are consistent with the law, with the relevant provisions of the Governance Code adopted by the relevant Group entity, and (in relation to matters affecting Heylo Housing RP) with the requirements of the Regulator of Social Housing

Members of the Remuneration, Nominations and Culture Committee: 

Felicity James Smith
Chair of the Remuneration, Nominations and Culture Committee

Nick Jopling

Jos Short

Customer Committee 

The purpose of the Customer Committee is to:

Involve Heylo residents in shaping the strategic direction of customer activities for Heylo Housing Registered Provider (HHRP) and scrutinising the performance of ResiManagement Limited, the managing agent for HHRP activities as they relate to customer facing and impacting activities. In relation to customer facing activities, this is Committee is intended to provide feedback and inform the arrangements of HHRP and ResiManagement and operations that they deliver for the wider Heylo group. 

Members of the Customer Committee: 

Michelle Hughes

Rugare Mufundisi​

Antony Leo Brooks

Gill Wilsker​

Rev Dr Robert France ​

Clare Alison Lucas

Paula Raftery​

Governance information - Committee Terms of Reference

Audit and Risk Committee Terms of Reference

Remuneration, Nominations and Culture Committee Terms of Reference

Customer Panel Terms of Reference

Governance information - Committee Role Profiles

Audit and Risk Committee Chair

Remuneration, Nominations and Culture Committee Chair

Customer Panel Chair

Customer Panel Member

Other Information